The Fleet Success Show

Episode 130: The Importance of Data Integrity, Accuracy, and Consistency

Episode Summary

Fleet analyst Griffin Scott joins Tony Yankovich to discuss why data integrity, accuracy, and consistency are critical factors in your fleet's data strategy. Check out this episode of the Fleet Success Show if you want to know how to spot garbage data in your FMIS or how to prevent it from getting in there in the first place.

Episode Notes

You know what they say about data—garbage in, garbage out. The best system, top analysts, or most complicated reports won’t get you anywhere if you don’t start with good data.

But how can you make sure your data is good when you inherited a mess in the first place? How can you spot errors in data that's already been collected?  And how on earth can you get your techs to enter their metrics in your FMIS? 

Griffin and Tony answer all these questions and more in this week's episode of the Fleet Success Show. Tune in as they explain what kind of havoc bad data can wreak, their secrets to finding garbage data, and how to use policies, procedures, and work instructions to ensure your data is accurate and complete. Plus, learn what Tony's smell test is all about.   

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