The Fleet Success Show

108: Accountability Partners

Episode Summary

Have you struggled to achieve a goal – whether it’s a work certification, or a personal weight loss goal – when trying to go it alone? Having an accountability partner can help. Josh dives into why being held accountable by another person can help.

Episode Notes

When you’re trying to achieve a goal on your own – whether it’s a professional certification or achievement, or even a personal goal like weight loss or a fitness goal – do you fall off track? Most of us do. 

Think about when you’re dieting alone, how often do you justify “just one bag of chips”? We all are great at lying to ourselves that just one bag won’t matter, or one misstep is fine. But it can hinder your progress. This is where an accountability partner can help. 

In this week’s episode of “The Fleet Success Show,” RTA CEO Josh Turley dives into why it helps when you have an accountability partner to keep you on track. 

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